Moorhen on a Lily Pad

I've been relieved of taxi duties for the next couple of days as Alan has decided to try the bus as an alternative means of transport for getting to work. So this morning I got up and did another bag of ironing before going to Zumba - there's still another two bags to do, but at least Alan's work shirts are done.

Zumba was good, it was a different instructor today and totally different music, but very fast! When I'd finished I went for a walk round the Marina and to he end of the breakwater looking for a blip, and although I took a few shots, nothing really inspired me. So after lunch Louis and I went out and we did a 5 kms walk - over the hill to Rottingdean and back via the coastal path into Saltdean. I ended up with a mixture of photos - boats, village scenes and beach scenes, and in the end I chose the Moorhen. It was in the village pond in Rottingdean, and was taken almost on full zoom so I didn't expect it to be very clear, but it's quite nicely lit. It's not a very imaginative title I know, but I couldn't think of anything else!

Anyway, I'd better go and prepare the dinner, and after we've eaten Alan and I are going to walk into Rottingdean for a drink - I think I'll have earned it after Zumba and two 5kms walks :-)

My daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter arrive tomorrow for a few days and I'm very excited to be seeing them, so apologies if there's a lack of comments while they're here. No guesses needed as to who's going to be the star of my next few blips!

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