did I take pictures of the beetles mating.
I walked in the afternoon the path along the Weser, where we had walked yesterday, in the hope to find the tiny elegant moths that hide mostly under the leaves but sometimes rest on a stem. I found these so delicate, they have lovely coloured wings. I saw many of them but they did hide immediately.
Walking there I discovered easily in the sunlight the two Protaetia aeruginosa.
Then I saw different grasshoppers and although I took some fine pictures I will go back there tomorrow to try my luck for these extraordinary creatures. Some of them are so very big and I had never realised that, only saw till now the little ones.

My haiku:

Where-ever I walk
In summertime the insects
Dance their mazurka

And the proverb:

Hij/zij is bezig zich van binnen te bekijken.

Translation: He/she is looking inside him/herself.

Meaning: He/she is sleeping.

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