Girls Day

My daughter got a new job. Yay!
So today I had my granddaughter all day and so I took her with me to my allergist appointment and then on some errands. She was a magnet for compliments and attention and she loved it! Whenever anyone would tell her she looked pretty, she would smile and say “Thaaank Youu” in her very girly way.
One of my stops was to Target to pick up a booster seat for my car so I do not have to keep switching it back and forth between my daughter’s car and mine. I found a good one that had three pieces that hook together. It came in a huge box, it did not really fit in the car, and my trunk was full of beach chairs and umbrellas from our weekly treks to the beach.
I opened all the car windows, let my granddaughter sit while I opened the box, and got the seat set up in the car. I was in a total sweat trying to put this thing together. Three simple steps…*click, click, click* and it’s done. Yeah right!! My granddaughter kept telling me it was broken and I kept saying under my breath ‘it will be’ by the time I get thru with it. It was warm today and the sun was intense. I was sweating into my eyes and my contacts were getting all blurry. Finally, I heard it snap into place! There was lots of cheering from my 2 ½ year old supporter!
I felt we earned ourselves a treat so we stopped at Starbucks, I got my iced espresso, and she got chocolate milk with a pink cake pop! This smile was right after eating the cake pop!

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