Biscuit's 730th Day

Day 730

The heavy gate was opened & Biscuit squinted at the blast of sunlight that flooded the space between him and freedom. It was early still and the car park empty. He looked at the warden who simply nodded at the opening, a mixture of boredom and malice in his eyes. Biscuit thought of saying something but then simply walked out of the prison that had imprisoned an innocent man for 730 guilt stained days, each one carved into his cell wall with his fingernails.

No sooner had Biscuit stepped out of the gate than it was slammed shut behind him, bolts put into place and a life that had controlled him would now go on without him as though he had never even been there.

His pardon had come but no apology, no recognition of the lost years, of the stripping of his dignity, of the beatings, the humiliation, the course degradation of his life laid out to mean nothing. The scars would run deep, their itching sores clawing at his sleeping hours for the rest of his life.

And Faith, his girl who he had so nobly released from her tie to him, the girl who had been the cause of the judge's jealousy, the girl for whom the judge had lusted so badly that Biscuit had lost part of his life, well Faith, she was there. An empty car park save for one car, a desolate space except for one full heart, arms outstretched to hold her love tight, to get him through the long nights that would follow, to let him know that no matter what life could throw at him, her man, she would always be at his side.

To my blip friends.

730 is but a number. What matters is that you care. Thankyou.



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