Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Déjà vu (mais avec les rolls de sausage)

Mrs H was at school again today (GCSE results day) and so I asked the girls what they wanted to do. As the car is still out of order and booked into the garage tomorrow (looks like it certainly is the alternator) it was local options only: they said they wanted to do the same bike ride as we did yesterday :-|

With no doors to varnish, we were out earlier and so lunch was needed to be taken. They asked for sausage rolls from the butchers, a good choice as they are pretty amazing. After a few miles we stopped for them and a few other goodies, and then rode on to where this photo was taken. There was a group abseiling and Jnr Jnr got quite keen to try now she knows what it's all about.

We then rode back and found ourselves by the ice cream van we saw yesterday, what a coincidence! Two scoop ice creams all round. However, Jnr Jnr then learnt that what I said about applying just the front brake was not only true, but the effect is exaggerated on loose, rough gravel. She took a right tumble and the stones sliced and took chunks out of her knee with blood pouring out. Jnr Snr rode back to where the van was and got some wet tissues and then a very kind couple stopped by and gave us some antiseptic wipes and plasters. What lovely people. The thing is, I thought about taking a basic first aid kit and thought I'd not bother. Next time eh?

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