From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Feeling good?

Feeling good? No. I slept like a corpse last night but have had the weirdest floaty sensation all day.

I finished four worksheets of a report and it looks fine. I'll check it thoroughly tomorrow. I spoke to mom earlier but other than that all her shopping arrived from Ayr Tesco Man (I order for her), I can't recall what we said. She's looking forward to me going up again in just over three weeks for a few days before my Edinburgh week. I hope I make it this time as I had to cancel my March trip earlier this year...

That's it. Finished. I couldn't give this one to Bony to do. My apathy has rubbed off and this picture of my charming gargoyle was all I could manage today. Normal service tomorrow I hope.

Track? A Muse version of one that's been covered by half the musical world by now I think - Feeling Good

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