
By SkiMe

Dogma Magic Theatre #3

I live in my dreams — that's what you sense. Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. That's the difference.
— Hermann Hesse, Demian

Alternative Title: Dueling Steeds

I swapped the wheels today to make a direct comparison between the Colnago and Pinarello bikes. Wow! The wheels have it!! I am going faster with the clinchers than with the carbon aero rims. So, interesting... I would have never guessed. The weight of the wheels are nearly the same though in theory the carbon rims are a bit lighter. I do feel a difference in the tire section. The clinchers roll so smoothly and absorb all those micro vibrations I was talking about yesterday. I think the bike looks OK too with the black aluminum rims. Sort of like a Porsche RS with black rims - sporty and very athletic. haha, maybe not exactly. Anyway... now to ride the Colnago with the carbon rims to see how that feels.

Today's picture is the same litte side road where I stopped yesterday in the countryside. There is an equestrian center. Hence the horse by the road... And, yes the corn stalks are way over the head!

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