
A phone call from Mum this morning sent me around there with some good old loperamide! Later I took her to the surgery.

I sorted out my wardrobe, filling 2 very large sacks of unwanted clothes, then later, a few more books and childrens' puzzles.

M and I went to a very well attended funeral this afternoon for a well-known character and great man. It was a lovely personal service.

On arriving back home, we found that the nice satellite man had been back to install a second box which did have the necessary card, so now we have all the freeview French satellite channels. Hurray!

Telephone calls and emails to France regarding the missing card have not produced fruit yet - the company sends me to the shop, and the shop says the man I need to speak to is either busy, or not there. I searched online to see how much it would cost to buy another card (valid for 4 years). If I buy it from the UK - 105 euros, or from France only 15 euros including postage! So it will be sent to our French address, and then forwarded to us here.

N has a practice tonight for tomorrow's parachute jump. It seems it's planned for midday tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get a blip of that! It will mean I miss out on blipping two other family performances at the same time though.

Today though, Cookie is the only one of our 5 cats that I haven't included in a blip for this year, so here she is. Cookie is the young cat who followed N home all the way from the Vale Church in January 2006. She made herself at home here, so after spending 3 weeks with the GSPCA (unclaimed), we went to collect her. Cookie is also the cat that will follow anybody as they walk along our lane. She had just had lots of fuss and attention and whenever Cookie feels very loved, she dribbles terribly! Ugh! She's lovely though :-)

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