
By tadpoleview

Rabbit, Rabbit !

Went for a walk in a different nature reserve this evening, but Its August and everything had gone on holiday! Well, not quite, but the most wildlife we saw was a couple of ducks making ripples on the lake and what might have been a moorhen through the reeds.

Then while walking to explore the next hide we disturbed this rabbit in a field and this shot was the result. I guess if we had found something really unusual I wouldn't have blipped something so 'ordinary' as a wild rabbit!

Sometimes we feel 'ordinary' and 'unimportant' and probably 'ignored' too. But that doesn't mean we are of any less value than the flamboyant or unusual characters around us. In God's eyes we are all precious. We just need to remember that.

So this rabbit served a purpose and became famous (well published anyway), but I doubt it will ever know it.

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