Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Another sort of player

I was down in Everett attending an Aqua Sox home game (they won, 3-2 against the Vancouver Canadians). Sunday is Rich's son Jonathan's birthday, and since Jonathan has to work on his birthday, we celebrated tonight with dinner and a ball game.

We arrived early, so I had time to walk around the stadium and soak in the sights and sounds. There was excellent light with the setting sun hanging in there and giving us its last go.

In the midst of all the t-shirt sales, the beer, the hotdogs, the cotton candy, was a very talented family band performing off in the corner, seemingly unnoticed by the throngs of baseball fans. I found myself especially drawn to this young girl's expression and beautiful eyes, stoic and mature beyond her years. She played with ease, though no one, or no one but me, listened or applauded after each song.

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