
By samsticks


I've made a little edit in yesterday's blip... I've removed the crop to show some of the original (upside-down) 'Bye!' at the bottom. It came to my attention when I showed a mate that he thought I'd just photoshopped the word onto the droplet. That was pretty frustrating as it took me quite a while to get the word refracted properly. Please note that that's a SINGLE shot, not a composite or a photoshop job.
Anyway, on to today's blip...

The blossom has already appeared on our plum tree, surely symbolising the imminent arrival of Spring. With it comes renewal, and a time to get one's life in order and look to the future.

I'm very much looking forward to it - a change in mindset can be so refreshing.

We spent some time checking out suburbs a little further afield to see whether anywhere took our fancy (and our house budget...). Also had an excellent dinner and catch-up with our friends. Much laughter was generated, and that also feeds the soul.

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