Views of my world

By rosamund


I feel like I accomplished quite a lot today despite not getting up til the afternoon and spending a huge amount of time in pyjamas loungewear.

The first task was to cast off the Aeolian shawl I started three weeks ago. I hadn't touched it for ten days but stayed up late last night finishing the charts so that I could cast it off today. It took 2 hours but the British Bake Off and a documentary about the Burrell Collection passed the time. I blocked it out and look forward to trying it on tomorrow. I made one a couple of years ago and gave it to my Aunt Eleanor (Mrs B) but I loved it so much and always coveted it so made one all for me. The photo doesn't really do it justice as you can't see all the beads, might save a close up or n emergency blip on a school night.

After knitting I took to spinning, I finished the blue I was working on at the guild last Sunday and plied it with turquoise cotton. It's washed and drying ready for weaving, it might not be dry enough to start actually weaving tomorrow but I should be able to warp up and be ready for it.

After a lovely dinner out in the sun on the front steps Freya and I watched music on TV and I started spinning a gorgeous sparkly batt I got at Woolfest. It's absolutely stunning and definitely needs to be woven so I look forward to seeing how it develops, there's masses of it so plenty of time to think and plan while I spin.

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