
By justbrian


Firstly I would point out that the lego used in the construction of this magnificent person is the same lego that I used as a boy aged three, so that makes it quite old (bought circa 1967) I did ask him to replicate the face of the model, the other side was happy but this is funnier.

The young man who built it is my nephew. Now he is a very bright lad, he's from a very creative family, my brother and sis in law have their own Creative Business, after carving out successful careers for themselves in London.

The lego person was built without instructions and using only a 2D picture on the box it came in. I'm not sure about the random Duck though.

Today I had a good bike ride of 40 miles, hilly one's at that on my fixed wheel bike, I managed to cycle up a hill that I thought I had no chance of doing and managed a healthy average speed that surprised me.

I feel inspired to write a bit more after reading Bobs blip, his style is articulate and he always manages to engage me when I read. It's all heartfelt stuff and written with passion, I deliberately have't posted his blip name for fear of embarrassing him but he know's what I'm talking about.

Son number one made an appearance today sporting a tramps beard, the local cConstabulary Officer should really make a bit more effort, he was day shift today and looked tired.

Son number three is at work so it's me and A for a quiet night in Nachos and a bottle of wine before night shift next week and we're off on our holidays to stay with a fried in France, I helped him renovate an old French farmhouse a few years back and he promised me free holidays for life, what is interesting about the place is that it was a hidey hole for the Resistance during WW2 , Vive La France...

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