A time for everything

By turnx3

Rainy walk in the forest

This morning we went to church - St. Luke's English-speaking church in Fontainebleau. There was a "vin d'honneur" (reception) after the service, for the chaplain who is leaving to take up a new position in Brussels. This provided us with an extended period to chat with people and make some new acquaintances. Today was cool and wet, and this afternoon we had to break out the jeans and rain jackets - first time we've needed them since we arrived in France in the middle of July! At one point, the rain had slowed to a drizzle, so we decided to head out for a walk in the forest, which is beautiful in any weather or season. However, as we walked, the rain gradually began to increase in intensity, so by the time we returned to the car it was steady rain again, and our jackets and shoes were quite wet, but we were still glad we'd done it!

One year ago: Music Hall

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