Double Oops

Well, this certainly became more interesting than I had intended!

After having spent half the day searching for an "Oops" moment, and having nothing present itself, I decided to manufacture one by intentionally dropping a perfectly good egg on the kitchen floor. It certainly makes for a good oops-ish image.

What I hadn't intended was for our dachshund, Sally to return with Mr. W from her weekend at the kennel moments after the egg splattered. She came hurtling into the kitchen, brimming over (in more ways than one ...) with excitement to be back home, and to see me. She nearly skidded through the white and yolk, but managed to just miss them before peeing all over my foot, in my shoe, and all over the floor in the sheer joy of being back with her people. What a mess!

You will be relieved (pardon the pun, Gentle Reader!) to note that I abstained from photographing the whole panorama, and just concentrated on the egg!

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