Daily Wild

By emyjane

Amazing combination

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A brimstone butterfly on a small purple geranium, or at least in the family of! I watched it flutter around the bramble, utterly out of my macro lens reach, but then it settled at a better angle & I was able to take a few shots. They're simply one of the hardest butterflies to photograph I've found, their eyes are hidden in muffled hair & if you're in the wrong light it all goes pear shaped! But this one isn't too bad... I don't think...!

And hurrah a bird!

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Second day of the three day detox, woke up with energy, had a smoothie, slumped! Headache, tired, stiff, bleugh! Third day one feels better - but then it's another day of 3 juices & then it's the start of the 7 day juice detox... so that's in fact 11 days of juice detox & then it's the 14 day turbo charge one... & oh my, god knows what I'll look like after... slimmer hopefully! And then there's phase 3 where you start to introduce solid foods, but lean chicken & fish, yet still keep to the two juices a day in-between. It all sounds difficult, I know, it's difficult to type it all out... but I'll keep you up to speed with all my highs & lows...! :) xxx

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