With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Armed WMD

Actually, little boys are much more dangerous.

I had three of them, fuelled by the Lone Ranger, from 7.30 this morning. I was getting the washing in because it rained (?!?!) but beat the retreat with a cup of tea until it was a respectable hour. Since then it has been the full onsluaght of the fiesta market, stroppy women, some armed with dogs (5 of them) some just with roast chickens ( a long story) and a lot of trampolining. We didn't make it to the whole point of the thing, the demonis passed us by and Ben and I just caught the top end of the fireworks from the plaza. San Bartolomeu will have to fight his own battle this year. In fact isn't that what it's all about? FIghting your own demons. Mine is currently how I can keep from feeling like I'm going blind as my screen seems to have shrunk. Or am I Alice? A sort of F11 seems to have happened and everything is very small. There is a simple solution out there. It's not rocket science, surely?

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