With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Without a break, I am still here, though I haven't had as much time as I might like or need for good blipping lately.

We didn't make it to the plaza for the demonis and fire jumping last night, the boys had had enough. After all had quietened down, the heavens opened and a terrific thunderstorm shook the valley. Another one this morning sent Ben scuttling in for a cuddle (I cherished that, he might outgrow it soon enough) and then it just seemed to go on and on. Everyone is grateful for the freshness and that it all waited until the fiesta was over. The streets are clean and things will start to grow again. Not that the heat seemed to have stopped the plants across the road. This was the view from my bedroom, with the naturally decorated telephone lines in full bloom.

Another huge crack of lightening directly over head and the power went out for a bit, so we have been a bit lazyified today. Exactly what we needed. I have bought some pasta from 'the expensive shop' and plan to have a quiet (bar thunder) and early night.

MD sounds good...... I wonder......

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