Falta de Ganas

It was a a struggle to get anything to shape up in front of the lens today and when you don't have 'ganas' (motivation) for it, it seems all the harder. So the rushes were reviewed, the scissors wielded in a kind of desperate, salvaging way and something has been stuck on the board!

In other news I completed all allocated chores which Dd imparted through the sheet pulled over my head as she departed for her big assessment day...so, her long lost spare glasses have been found, her UK mobile topped up by a person resident in UK, her beach bag emptied, and our former cleaning lady contacted in Portugal as the desperate search for a replacement goes ahead. Oh, and I dealt with a mouse crisis in our Edinburgh flat and reviewed a Question and Answer document for a company takeover in South America. My priorities were made very clear to me! Thank goodness I'd left money out for her to get a taxi to school on this special day of her assessor's visit!

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