A Walk In the Park

Great excitement and some anxiety, given our technological record, when the house was converted into a fibre optic terminal today! This involved the careful running of cables across not only our protected facade but that of our neighbours. I kept our poor installer running up and down his ladder tucking this bit and that bit out of sight behind the handily placed ridge that more or less hides everything.

Speed has increased noticeably on the internet ...we went from 2 to 94 whatever the unit is per second for download speed, although the BBC site is still a stubborn unpredictable animal!

My additional attempt to buy and install a wifi booster for our upstairs rooms came predictably to grief, so the stupid little DLink box is repacked and will be on its way back to FNAC tomorrow. Wish me luck as I try the Belkin model!

At the end of the day, with Dd off having dinner with her happy course (and they did very well), I took a walk in the park. Just as well I took some dry ice to add a little atmosphere to this waterfall on Montjuic!

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