Plan D- Peaches: A still life

My intention tonight was to set up my tripod on the bridge in the park and experiment with some photos at dusk. Then a storm blew in and put an end to that plan. Plan B was to set up my tripod and blip some birds at the feeder through the kitchen window. That plan fell through due to an absence of birds. Probably the storm played a part in that too. So on to Plan C: Set up the tripod and blip a still life of some sweet, juicy, and delicious peaches. That seemed like a good plan until I realized the peaches were so delicious that we had eaten too many of them, so I had to get a tomato to fill in the empty space in my arrangement. Hopefully, you get the idea and I got some practice with my tripod. All's well that ends well!

P.S. Are you hungry yet? The peaches were wonderful. Sorry I couldn't share them.

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