Blowing bubbles

It's a really nice day today, and I would have loved to drive up to Laratinga Wetlands. But thought better of it, and took a half hour break at the Playford Lake in the Park instead.

There is a LOT of water in there at the moment, and all the creeks are running. A lovely sight. But apart from that there wasn't a lot happening.

Well actually, there was - I just couldn't photograph it.

I saw my first dragon of the season, a very tiny one, maybe only just hatched. He clung onto a leaf while I got my arse into gear my act together. Got the monopod out, attached the camera, changed the lens, took a couple of rubbish shots, while the breeze lashed the branch around. The breeze died down, and I got my self organised, and..... it flew away.

Wandered around to the other side of the lake, and saw some real action. A group of 3, 4 or 5 turtles were having a mass orgy party. Too many legs and necks to really work out what was going on, but I do believe they were having fun. Took a couple of rubbish shots - and I mean, really rubbish.

Gave up, wandered around to where I started and found this duck blowing bubbles. Not as exciting as baby dragons, or rampant turtles, but at least I got something.

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