
By EastTexasAngles

Portrait of Macy

.... with my new 45mm 1.8 lens. It's not perfect -- but -- I like it! It is the fastest lens I have ever had and I like having a shallow DOF to get rid of distracting background. That's a real plus for me.

Tonight I ordered yet another lens. I've been using the 14-42 kit lens that came with the PL5 and I'm sending that back. I'm so used to zoom lenses -- I felt I really needed one, but I hated to pay for the kit lens, which isn't anything special

So I packed up the Samsung and have the RA ready to go. Tomorrow when my new zoom lens arrives (14-150) I will pack the PL5 and its lens and send it back as well. The new zoom isn't fast but many people find it very acceptable for ordinary photo taking. I will keep one of the hybrid super zooms. For some things, they do better than the P5 or anything else. The Samsung was a nice camera. I liked the way it was laid out, but had no Image Stabilization and too many of my photos were blurry. I will also sell a couple of other cameras in order to come out somewhere close to even.

I hope I'm not about to become a glass addict...it's too darn expensive! But now, for the first time, I realize how people can get photographs that seem so unbelievably perfect to me. Of course, not all of you have fast, expensive lenses -- you just know how to capture a beautiful image. Still, there really can be a difference with a fast lens.

I'm already eyeing one of those "pancake" lenses that are supposed to be pretty good. With that and a decent sized handbag my Olympus would be "pocketable".

Macy 's intense personality really comes out in this shot. I'm looking forward to doing more portraits. At the moment my Mom isn't looking as good as she usually does -- she was briefly a model in Hollywood in the 30's until she met my Dad. Anyway, I don't have a lot of subjects available here at home. One of the things I love most, though, is photographing elderly people, who have a whole, rich life history recorded in their face and eyes. Every single one of them awes me!

walked the dogs which often happens late at night. There's a rabbit living in the bushes at the end of the yard who Macy tries to chase each night -- but can't because she's on a leash. Tonight the rabbit was out and he just sat there. Bold little thing. He's figured out she can't get to him. The two of them were perfectly still. Macy had her nose towards it as though she were pointing. The moment the rabbit moved she took off after it. I feel bad not to let her go but don't want her catching rabbits nor chasing through the woods. There are wild hogs out there as well as the occasional wolf or coyote. I've never seen one but others have...

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