
By EastTexasAngles

Around the Bend

I took a lot of nice pictures with the 45mm lens and I love the shallow death of field and how it isolates the subject from the background and brings out marvelous detail. I am very pleased with it so far.

But in the end, after deliberation and consultation, I chose this blip of our main Llano Grande lane, officially Phillips Road. I used the 45mm lens and focused right on the bend in the road. I tend to be drawn to pictures of roads because there is such a sense of Quo Vadis, of a journey, of movement, of both on-the-way-ness and potential destination.

My sleep schedule has been reversed for a week or so, but suddenly I wasn't able to sleep at all, so got up and went out blipping in the morning, which I seldom do. There were more birds about, but they eluded my camera. More flowers were open than later in the day: I found some more of the wild clematis and some other, unknown wild flowers.

Being awake in the morning seemed like a deliberate Gift to me, so I made myself go into town and deal with my car registration crisis -- a seemingly simple thing but producing a lot of anxiety for me. $7.00 later, I was legal again and even affixed the sticker myself -- a first -- albeit crookedly.

On a roll, I again made myself call the court about my two traffic tickets - but she could not find me In The System. She said it takes about 3 days or so after receiving a ticket and to check back with her in another day or so. I had so wanted to take care of that while I was already at the courthouse but it was not to be.

I went home and had just settled down for a long summer's nap when I got a call from my mother that Physical Therapy had called and had a cancellation. We had been having a hard time getting a second appointment this week because the therapist was on vacation part of the time. So, I had to get back up, go and pick up my mother and take her to therapy and then take her home again. And on the way to get her, my rear view mirror fell off!

After more efforts (unsuccessful) to capture some birds, I went back into town to gather my new lens when I finally got the notice that it had been delivered.

Played very briefly with it before turning in.

Just got the dogs walked and put back to bed -- I hope -- and that's where I am going, too!

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