Girl Power

This might be called girl power, but its mainly gogos or grannies.
They are collecting bricks which have been moulded and air-dried, into a a home-made kiln, which they will cover with soil, put timbers underneath and burn.
The bricks will be regular fired bricks and the soil to make them has come from ant-hills.
Two years ago the Health Ministry agreed to supply a nurse and an attendant for the area, if the community extended our health post and built a house for the health workers.
We will supply cement, windows, doors and the roofing, if the community do the rest.
After numerous meetings with the community, the chiefs and every other man of substance in the area, the task is left to these old women. It is a sad state of affairs, but a fact of life. There are excellent chiefs in some areas.
Ih the centre of the pic is Lillian, the local traditional birth attendant, trained by the Central Hospital, a woman of great courage and energy. If this project is to be completed then she will be the one.

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