
I lost the key for this padlock, which is annoying on many levels as it is the lock for the shed!

I walked to our local locksmith today to ask for a lock picking kit (they are easily available online but I thought I'd shop locally), the look they gave me, you'd think I'd just offered to poo on their heads.

'We don't sell locksmiths equipment', said the snotty aloof little toad.
'That's a shame' I replied, 'Can you tell me when I could get one?'.
'No I don't', he said (I bet he did).
So I went to Gees which is about 200 yards away, they sometimes have them but had sold out! Doh.

So I had a quick look online, seems like the locksmiths art is not that tricky and, armed with a bit of a pen and a hairgrip I had it opened in under 2 mins!

Give me a sponge and a rusty spanner and I'll be in the palace in an hour ;)

A day of oddness today, not in a bad way and it involved chocolate so I'm not complaining but after yesterday things seemed to have slowed down a little. Looking back on the day we have got a lot done, just in a quiet sort of way!


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