The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Who's The Biggest Goose On The Marsh?

A day at Cley Marsh today. I made it this time, the last time I tried to get there was on Honeymoon and my back was in half! (In fairness I made it last time but only as far as the car park).

The weather was a bit gloomy so it was a bit of a bird watching day rather than a photography day. And a rather good birding day it was, a whopping 42 species ticked off. That's my second best single days birding I have ever done.

Not a lot of new year ticks, but some nice views of Curlew Sandpiper, Green Sandpipers, Golden Plover and Grey Plovers.

There were large numbers of Greylag and Canada Geese on the scrape. A lot of them were flapping their wings like this one. This is a simple demonstration of strength and trying to get yourself up the social hierarchy. No different to you or I flexing their muscles.

Off to Titchwell Marsh on my own tomorrow. Trying to tick the elusive Spoonbill for 2013!

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