The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

... And Puuuuullll - Titchwell Marsh Lapwing

Inspired my mate RhonddaBorn's Blackbird photo of a while back!

I happened upon this Lapwing trying to extract his supper from the mudflat on my way back to the car after another fantastic days birding in North Norfolk. I surpassed yesterdays list of 42 species by a couple more species, including Spoonbills. It was a gloriously sunny day, so I have a memory card of photos to edit at some point. There are some belters of Spotted Redshanks and Avocets in there too. Both could have been my blips tonight, but I thought I would give you an action shot.

The last time I went to Titchwell it wasn't completely open, as they were rebuilding the Pallinder Hides and the sea wall. It is a stunning reserve, an highly recommended if you are down this way.

The Spoonbills safely ticked (you wait for one and thirteen come along at once), and some great views of Marsh Harriers it was time to head back to the caravan ... a full hour and half later than I said I would ... oops! ;o)

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