An early morning discovery

On the black-eyed susans again... I know, a bit repetitive, but I couldn't resist this tiny Spring Peeper (Hyla crucifer).

When I stepped out to take the trash up this morning I stopped by the BES flowers because they were covered in activity. (You know how it looks when something has died and flies swarm it... well these flowers had that much going on in the form of hover flies, bees, grasshoppers, etc. I can't believe how much these flowers attract.) Upon investigating the activity, I spotted this tiny brown thing. I say thing, because at first I thought it was a shield bug... He's that tiny. (For perspective, that flower center is only 1/2 inch in diameter (about 1 cm). From this view he looks bigger than the flower center, but in reality he is smaller. Anyway, I ran in and got my camera. Fortunately, he was still there when I got back and didn't move a muscle as I straddled the flowers and positioned myself over him trying to get the perfect shot.

He's even cuter in large.

Spring peepers are tree frogs and they have a musical call of a series of short peeps. When they first arrive in the spring in masses, the sound is almost overwhelming. We love to hear the peepers, as it is one of the first signs of spring and good weather to come. I've never seen one up close, this was a fun find for me today!

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