
It never rained here today, at least not where I was, but most of the whole day was grey. However, when we went into town to go to dinner and do some shopping a brief moment of sunshine made an appearance... but that was it. After shopping we pulled over to a lookout over East Bay and I thought the waves would make a nice shot... but the scene was so dull. So I figured this would be a good image to try mono, as it sort of fit the theme of the day.

Despite the grey atmosphere, the day was nice and I was busy. Though, I did find some time to explore a few tutorials for Lightroom that I found on Adobe.TV. Up until today these didn't play on my computer (a Mac/Flash Player glitch), but surprise... they worked this time and I found them very informative. I really want to learn the advanced features of LR and so far I have uncovered a few tricks and details I didn't know were there. It's nice to know basics of a program (LR is so intuitive & I've had the obvious adjustments down for a while)... but it drives me nuts to know that there is so much more that I have yet to uncover... May as well get what I paid for & really dig in to the lesser know features! ;) My kind of fun...

Unfortunately, nothing I learned about LR could help this image. Mono was the best I could do. That'll teach me to wait until evening to get a shot!

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