A Beach Umbrella Dogsitting: Day 7

Mac has been very, very good today. I kept the blinds for the back door closed this morning and when I took him out I made sure we stayed away from the back wooded area so he wouldn’t get too excited picking up on the scent of deer or other wildlife. Of course he is now so comfortable in the house, I find him curled up sleeping on just about everything he can hop on to. I walk into a room and there he is on a couch, chair or ottoman complete with blanket and throw pillow. I am pretty sure my granddaughter is covering him with the blanket.

We took a little break from each other for a while today and I went for a late afternoon visit to the beach. It was balmy and beautiful. The water was rough but it was a warm 74 degrees. For the ocean, that felt like bathwater. We met friends there and just relaxed the entire afternoon until sunset. I only wished I could have fallen asleep there on the beach for the night and stayed till the sunrise tomorrow.

Whenever we first arrive at the beach for the past few summers, we always look for our friend’s beach umbrella which I Blipped today. It is the only one like it on the beach and therefore easy to spot amongst the dozens and dozens of others. Sadly, it will be the last season for this beauty. It has a couple of holes and one of the wires is broken. We joked around on the beach today about how we will find each other and our friends said they would take a photo of their new umbrella and send a text photo to everyone in advance of the new season. How funny that an umbrella has become a reminder of not just summer, but of good times and good friends.

We came home to a very happy Mac. He is currently asleep on my husband’s lap.

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