
By Kangaroo

Winter's last Day.

Winter's last day seems to celebrate life itself or departing is seeking to atone for the misery caused at moments when the temperature fell to nothing ... occasionally dipping below in surrounding environments and soared sometimes as much as ten degrees in a week.

Next week we are told by the weather forecasters we are in for 'a mini heat wave'. 27 is augured. We will feel that terribly after our nights of the recent couple of weeks have fallen to as little as 7, but for a week the daytime temperature ... only a couple of weeks ago ... was plain unreasonably cold.

I can't pass this photo that captures as I did hope the persistent soft wind's work ruffling up the flowers and creating this distinction, that some (perfectly placed upside down) remained untroubled by the wind. The wind is the sort by its persistence that has left the tingle of its excitement on my skin that I feel keenly even as I type my contribution for this digital world of adventure we inhabit ... love, laugh, balk at, cry, talk, share, work together in. Certainly on the inside and sometimes I exclaim out loud although I am usually silent, experiencing the roll coaster of the adventure from one scene or portrait, or object to the next.

Diarising like this every day I understand Thoreau, as much by reading the journals of other blippers and seeing our worlds and reading comments. Interesting isn't it how we adopt each other in the context of our intense preoccupations with photographing an image well enough to communicate an idea. Wondrous.

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