creative lenna

By creativelenna

The last one!

This is #61 - the last index card I did for the ICAD challenge and one of my favorites. I love nature printing and I love that I made this last one while my friend Deb was over for some art therapy!! We had a lot of fun, talking and making things together. Deb went on to share her excitement with her granddaughter, to the great delight of both of them! That makes me happy.
To view how to make this card, more samples of nature printing, photos of our art therapy day, plus my 'wrap-up' on this 2 month daily art project, use this link to the post!

p.s. I also uploaded ICAD #38 tonight : ) Tomorrow I will be heading into a sampling of my August photos and not far behind for getting on track in September, whoo hooo! This journal entry makes 790 blips for me, sometimes sporadically but all heartfelt and all my history ;)

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