The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Re-Routing Roots

A triple shot Costa ensured that Sunday started at a steady pace.

This was followed by a walk at Almondell Country Park with my sister and the 'niblings'.

I snapped a number of great pictures of the River Almond with some really nice reflections, but have opted for this crazy looking root system since it sparked a little conversation and then some further pondering on my part.

The dialogue I had was with my youngest 'nibling'.

"Be careful that you don't trip up on the roots!"

"What are roots, Auntie Christine?"

**enter coach who paints visual analogies**

"Roots are a bit like giant straws. They grow out of the bottom of the tree and into the ground. The tree then sucks up the stuff from under the ground to help it stay strong - A bit like when you drink your orange juice."

And, off I went to ponder my own response for the next few hours!

Of course, we all have roots.

There are roots that date back through our family generations.

We all put down roots in the places we choose to live.

We'll often have our roots in our work place or in the type of job we do.

But, roots also go down into our experiences - or into our opinions, perceptions and judgements of situations and sometimes of others.

When the root is there, we will feed through it and we will draw strength from it.

What if the experience we've put a root in wasn't positive?

What if the opinion we've formed about a situation or a person isn't the right one?

How helpful might that particular root be?

How often do you prune your own roots?

Have you put them down in rich, nutritious soil?

Be careful not to trip...!!

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