The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

What Goes Up - Must Come Down

I felt like a tourist today as I ventured on to the Royal Mile and up to Edinburgh Castle.

I had my mum in tow and we took the opportunity to soak up the last of the festival atmosphere before stuffing ourselves with food and coffee!

The Edinburgh Festival has its official closing ceremony tomorrow night which will be marked by the usual and very inspiring fireworks display.

I haven't decided whether or not I'll be attending.

The Military Tattoo closed last night and the massive structure on the castle esplanade was being dismantled this afternoon.

There were dozens of men in white hats, huge cranes and stacks of plastic chairs and scaffolding.

It was an extraordinary operation!

There's so much that has to go on behind the scenes to make stuff happen - Even the seemingly mundane, everyday activities that we pay little attention to.

As you meander through the rest of this weekend, make a conscious effort to think about what had to take place in the background to make your journey through the day possible.

What effort was required by someone else to ensure things are slicker and easier for you?

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