Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

6 Hour Bike Ride

Always planned a bike ride today. Never thought it would last six hours or take in 3 pubs. Would have been 5 but I had to be captain sensible and tell 2 beers Mick that we were not stopping for drinks at the White Horse or the King William.

A really pleasant way to spend a Sunday and once again, a reminder of the beauty of the countryside that is just on our doorstep.

It was 17:15 by the time we got home and I was planning on trying to reproduce the Kase Spatzle that we had enjoyed in Germany. Not easy to do at any time, and especially challenging without a recipe and 3 pints of Stella inside you. Luckily help was at hand when the phone rang just as we arrived home. An invite to a BBQ at the sister in laws. Perfect. Have you got any beers they said. Yes we said, but I for one won't be drinking any. I'm fit to explode.

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