
Practiced piano/keyboard today! Only about 30 minutes, then I had to leave, but there's actually a keyboard with keys whose press is fairly similar to a piano key press, so not too bad. I got through the first six exercises, did not go too bad, must go again next week!

Plan for tomorrow: get up early, check I've got everything, do the dishes, go to work, barbecue lunch at work to welcome visiting researchers, get my bag and go to Venice with the babysitter of a colleague (who wanted to go to Venice for her last weekend in Italy and my colleague asked me yesterday if I fancied coming along) and stay there for two nights! Some pretty late/fast planning happened this evening, we booked a hotel and then went for pizza with the family, I just packed my bag and almost ready to go. It did mean that I missed the concert of the youth classical festival (violin and piano), but I guess this weekend will make up for it big time. See you after the weekend and have a good one!

levels to 0-0.85-140, brightness +10, saturation +30, curves (hm yes I took a bad photo.. )

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