
By EastTexasAngles

Blue and White Potted Plant

I saw this pot with a nice green plant in it a few days ago and blipped it, but didn't like all the extraneous stuff in the background so today I went over and removed the stuff. I didn't get it all, though, and was hoping for a shallower DOF. But I know you need to do more than "hope" -- I need to study what I need to do, even with my 45mm prime lens, to get the right DOF.

In spite of that, I still like this flowerpot.

For those many wonderful people who have been following her progress and rooting for my Mom to recover from severe shingles -- a new chapter as of this morning. She was feeling good and went to get the Sunday paper. She drove to near where the paper comes, then got out to walk the few more yards to the paper. Her three big dogs were with her and they knocked her down.

The Good News is that after me warning her for a long time that she should NOT take the dogs with her, she is now fully convinced.

The Bad News is that when she fell, she broke her wrist!! I got a strangled call around 8:30 -- "I have fallen -- come get me!"

When I got there she was sitting on the ground and was okay except for her wrist, but she couldn't get up and I didn't want to possibly hurt her. I called those cousin-neighbors I have spoken about -- the owners of Mir-Mir, actually, and they came right away and helped me get her into my car. She can walk okay, though she still has the drop foot.

So off we go to the ER on Sunday morning of a long, holiday weekend. And came back, after x-rays, with a splint and a sling and instructions to call her doctor Tuesday morning!

Tonight I am simply overwhelmed with gratitude that it was no worse -- that she did not break her hip or leg. She would have had to go to a nursing home. The broken wrist will be a huge nuisance but we can cope with it. I could not have taken care of her with a broken hip -- although she took care of me for almost 6 months when I shattered my right leg in Hurricane Ike.

Anyway, she is in good spirits and since she already has a pain patch, it isn't hurting much. I am also very grateful to all of you on Blipfoto for your prayers, good wishes and genuine caring for both her and me. We will get through this, too, and for me, a big part of staying sane and de-stressing is being on Blipfoto.

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