
By EastTexasAngles

Bird on Fencepost

This morning went to get the paper for Mom and was rewarded when this bird (kingbird?) landed on a Fencepost and stayed long enough for me to grab a blip.

First I took a picture with the 45mm lens because it was on my P-5. Then I switched to my Nikon SuperZoom and got this shot. Then he flew away. That's the trouble with lenses -- you never have the right one.

Maybe I should have tried to change lenses but the Nikon's lens was already in place. Metadata said that it was taken at 335mm equivalent and I cropped it some.

It isn't starkly clear like so many I see from the rest of you. But -- at least I got the shot and is so far the best of the many kingbirds I have taken, so not a complete loss.

I have some more thoughts on all this but will have a busy day tomorrow so I need some sleep.

Mom is frustrated with all she cannot do but is in good spirits and not in pain.

I have been looking for a bag large enough for both cameras that looks like an ordinary purse. Tonight I bought a Lowepro Passport Sling. It isn't really an ordinary purse -- but both cameras and lenses and basic purse stuff fits. Not sure if it will work for everyday, but even if it doesn't, I like it for my camera gear. There is one in a gorgeous blue color but it appears to only be in Japan. You can get it on Amazon but it is shipped from Japan.

Tonight I also bought a bird feeder so I hope I will get to see some birds relatively closer once I get it set up. These are things that never interested me before but now do.

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