This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today was a day we had planned to take easy but we ended up at the Edinburgh Mela in extremely windy conditions. I loved the weather and enjoyed wearing a sweater.

We had some great curry and a good wander around listening to Indian and African music. I have to admit I was worried about the big top tent in the wind while I was under it and rightly so. Sadly after we left they had to close down the venue due to the weather. While at the Mela, I also got to pet a billy goat and stare at a cute sheep. It was a good time. I also got to see the YES campaign booth where Stewart had spent some volunteer hours on the following day.

In the evening we went to the Princes Street Gardens to sit with the people under the trees and throughout the gardens and watch the spectacular fireworks display. It was an amazing setting, as the fire works punctuated the night sky over the castle, I felt like pinching myself that this has become my life.

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