Spa Pamper Day

An interesting collection of photos I hear you say. Well, let me explain. Daughter Lucy is on holiday this week and as she hasn't been well recently I thought it would be a good idea to have a pamper day, especially as I have been rather stretched recently too ! So, off we went to Exeter and after a little light shopping we had a snacky lunch which commenced with this lovely bread with dipping oil and balsamic syrup and cut into hearts ! Our waiter deserves a mention, he was hilarious, obviously loves his job and had something funny to say at every opportunity. Moving on to the Spa at the Magdalen Chapter hotel where we swam outside in the heated pool, sunned ourselves in the gardens and ate a delicious afternoon tea which only just defeated us
(see nearly empty cake stand). We both then had a luxurious pampering session. The final picture is taken inside the hotel - which used to be the Eye hospital until maybe 20 years ago and this lovely notice preserved within the Victorian building, which is a reminder of the good old days when dirty germ-ridden visitors were kept away ! Oh for a return to the old days of nurses, matrons and hygienic hospitals !!

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