living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


So I thought I would do an update on Monkey, since I haven't for a while and he has learned so much lately. He seems to be talking a lot more, understanding more of what we're saying and he wants to do absolutely everything his sister does. So he is, erm... around 20 months now (how? how???).

Words he can say now (I'm sure I will miss some)
-readit (he says it like it's one word)
-boobie (said first to my grandma while pointing to the button on her top)
-eat! (said in a chanting Eat! Eat! Eat! kind of way)
-'Vanah (calling mom's dog Savannah)
- Mine!
- wee wee
- water
- Hot!
- night night
- bye bye

-Monkey is still a climber (shocking, I know) He only gets better at it and more daring every day, hence there are usually at least 4 bruises on his noggin at any one time.

-He loves books and will follow me around chanting "readit, readit, readit."

- He loves music, too. He is a groovy harmonica player and his favourite song of the moment is still "Little Talks."

- He is a big fan of dirt, sand, tiny stones, anything he can make a real mess with, really!

-He is hilarious!

Chickpea has been pretty funny today too. Here are a few of her quotes:

Me- Are you going to wee in the toilet this morning?
C- No, I look cool on my duther potty cuz my duther potty is cool!


Me- What do you want to eat?
C- I don't want anything that's round or anything that's square-y.

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