
By BethAndCo

29 weeks old today

Oh my gosh I was so tired this morning. Eva has been waking up for feeds at around 3 am every morning for a while now, but on top of that, twice I had Sophie scratching at the bedroom door and carpet in the night, so I felt like I was waking up every hour. I think I got about 4 hours sleep if that before it was 6.45 am and Sophie was back at the bedroom door, which then woke Eva up.

Jake came with me to the health visitors today to get Eva weighed. She was 19lb 6oz at her last weigh in 4 weeks ago and has steadily been averaging a 1lb 6oz gain every 4 weeks. Today she weighed 20lb 7oz, so has gained 1lb 1oz since last time. It was so funny after she'd been weighed and I was too busy chatting away to the health visitor with Eva still nappy-less in my arms, when all of a sudden I felt something soak my feet, yes she had wee'd lol! All down my tshirt and tracky bottoms, all over my foot and all over the floor, how funny! We still had to go to Sainsburys and Jake asked if I wanted to go home to get changed, I just said "Nah, it'll dry" lol. Oh it was funny.

Went and got some bits from Sainsburys then including some socks and a pencil case for Jake's new school, and Jake being the proud brother helped push Eva round in her pushchair.

We got back and I did the 3 of us lunch. Eva joined us in tuna sandwiches with a stick of cucumber. I think she is definitely eating more now slowly but surely, as there was more evidence in her nappies today including bits of carrot and broccoli (TMI??? Lol)

Considering Eva was awake so early compared to usual, she only had 2 very short naps all day. So at around 6pm I started settling her for the evening. We'd had a play on her play mat together, she'd had her bath, and I gave her a good feed, then got her num nums, snuggled her on my lap to watch In The Night Garden, then took her up to bed. She still didn't seem tired though, she was all smiles and laughs, kicking her legs in the air, I thought, how can you not be shattered? By 7.45 I thought, surely you've had enough milk? So gave her massive cuddles, told her I loved her so so much, kissed her little face, and lay her in her bed, still grinning up at me and lifting her legs up. I stroked her face, turned the monitor on, and came downstairs. She obviously went spark out as we haven't heard a peep from her all evening. She was obviously just tricking mommy xxxx

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