
By TitsMcGee

Monday, Monday

Today was back to *#+$.

After, I collected TWW with her children and grandson in tow and off to my poor unsuspecting parents we went (that's where my children had stayed the night).

"Let's do that lovely walk with the cows at your mums village with Jakey and children" says TstupidWW.

"Oh! If you're sure?" I say.

Weeeeelllllll that lovely 45min walk took for bloody ever!!!!

My dad had forgotten we'd even been we were that long!!!

So much for them sending out a search party!!!

Actually once we'd got off what we consider the "main road", 3 cars passed us, it wasn't too bad.

Lucy taught Jake to throw stones.

Marley tried to take Jake down with a big stick.

Grass prickly so someone(Jake) was unable to walk in it!!!


And every farm animal we saw was a cow mooooo according to Jake.

What a great way to end the hols....and I truly do mean that.

Will miss these crazy sunny days.

Half term adventure booked!

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