The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely


Back to school today......first day of term (especially the Autumn term) is always a bit of a trial, especially as we are entering this academic year one technician down.
Anyway, by the time I got home I was really, really tired luckily I had a fridge full of goodies I caught in my moth trap last night.
I could have blipped a beautiful Old lady moth, dark and mysterious like victorian ladies black petticoats, or a Brimstone moth bright butter yellow, and stunning (I caught 4 of them). but in the end I decided to blip this tiny nut weevil which I almost missed when I was emptying the trap, walking round the perspex rain shield.
This nut weevil is tiny approx 6mm but very sweet with his long snout. They come from the family Curculionidae, they have long slender snouts with the mandibles located at the tip. which they use to chew holes in nuts where they deposit their eggs. They can be a serious pest.
Once again I have taken this shot using the 20mm extension tube on the camera, so there is quite a shallow depth of field.

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