Now we have everything

By Gembop

And for my next trick...

I somehow managed to catch Charlie levitating one of his ballpit balls for today's blip. My little magician. It was the first time I'd tried him in a ballpit since visiting Clown Town and he was not a fan initially. Infact he started to make his way towards me as his source of safety/security. It's the first time he's ever done that properly and it took me back a little. My normally very unfazed/brave little man was really unsettled. I think it was definitely exacerbated by the fact that he was starting to get tired.

After I threw the balls around a bit and showed him how fun they could be he was away. He played happily with them on his own. He just needed a little reassurance. Still, it makes me wonder whether the whole separation anxiety trauma is looming round the corner? :(

After lunch we drove over to Muswell Hill to finally get Charlie weighed after nearly two months. My little dude is still following his curve 'beautifully' and is now 17lb 6oz.

The weigh-in is held at the old house next door to the Northbank Methodist Church and it is such a lovely place. The Health Visitor was lovely and there were toys everywhere for all the babies waiting. The centre runs a breastfeeding cafe downstairs at the same time and has lots of toys outside for the slightly older babies to encourage mums to stay. It's all a world away from some of the grim children's centres we've been to. Plus there was no 'take a number' instruction or queue. She called Charlie by his name. Shocker!

I wish I'd been able to grab a picture as Charlie sat up in the scales for the first time. It was so cute.

Afterwards we took a walk up to Muswell Hill to grab some food and a few bits. Charlie slept just as we were walking back so I gave Dad a call to hear about the holiday they've booked to go on next week. I'm very envious! I was still talking to him on hands free once we were both in the car and was halfway to Highgate before I realised I'd gone the wrong way. Whoops.

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