Now we have everything

By Gembop

Tea for three

We had visitors today: Dylan and Stanley came round for tea! It was hilarious. I love that all the boys have something in their mouths in the picture too- they were given real food, honest!

Charlie and I headed to Tiny Tunes as normal for a Friday. Just when I thought we'd be the only ones (again!) with Candy, the lady who runs it, and her son Ben, Kelly shows up with Dylan (phew!)

We had a lovely session. It's much more work now that Charlie is crawling everywhere as he wants to zoom off and grab all the books etc from around the room. Candy also helped distract him (with keys) whilst I changed his bum too as it's almost impossible to keep the boy laying down on his back.

We'd not been to the group for a couple of weeks and Charlie was a little nervous of Candy! The reaching for Mummy thing happened again when she came right up to him to say hello. He soon warmed up. But TT is at a dodgy time slot forhim nap-wise so that might not help, as he was tired when it happened yesterday too.

After the session, Kelly and I drove back to mine in convoy. I dropped Katrina a message and at 4pm she arrived with Stanley. I'd offered to babysit him for a couple of hours to allow her to get some work finished and suggested Kelly come back to make a play date out of it, and admittedly to keep me company!

Thank God Kelly was there! I know she brought an extra baby with her but it was so funny trying to get three hungry boys fed, especially when they mostly had mashed/liquid meals. Thankfully Charlie had his finger-food starter so was fine but Stanley was getting impatient and shouting and then Dylan started (as he didn't want to be spoon fed!) and then Charlie thought he'd join in! It made me realise why childminders cost as much as they do! It's hard work!

It was very funny though? Especially when we put Come Dine With Me on to distract them from each other. Stanley had finished his and wasn't happy seeing the other babies having theirs but TV soon took his mind off it. Bad Parenting I'm sure, but it works (and was on Katrina's list of ways to soothe him).

Soon Kelly had to leave, so the boys and I camped out and played in the playroom. Stanley is still such a good little man. He was getting tired but was happy with his thumb and bouncer chair. The Baby
Bjorn chair has really lasted him. It's been a godsend for Katrina especially when he learned to rock himself. It's too cute.

Matt came and picked him up at 6pm. Then Rob came home and then a second later Tim came over with baby Sebastian. It's so weird holding a younger baby now. And one with so much hair. He's adorable. We were worried Tim and Jenn might not be so happy with us as their goldfish died on our watch (2.5 weeks into a 3 week vacation!) but he came round with a lovely Thank you gift- an outfit for Charlie. Their big news is that they're thinking of emigrating back to Australia within 5 years. So we'll lose our neighbours (if we're still in this house, which I don't want to be!)

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