The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

The Kiltwalk Blues . . . Not for these two, Cheers

What can we say Speyside, you certainly didn't let us down.

It was a great weekend, which started with us all heading to Speyside at early o'clock on Saturday to setup at Buckie and Aberlour.

Tables and chairs were setup, barriers erected and marques pitched.

Some of us then clocked off while it was still light, well I had a tent to pitch, however poor Alison and Gillian had to head off into the night and try and put up the Wee Walk marker signs, in them scary woods, in the dark. All without a big brave guy to fight off the lions and tigers and bears, in the dark enchanted forest.

Truth be known we have no "big brave guys" at The Kiltwalk, so they were doomed from the start :-)

Sunday was another early start with buses to pack full of people, registration desks to open, luggage to store, stewards to induct and pipers to assemble, but it all went off without a hitch.

Then, as often happens, the day goes by in a flash, the Aila's Ramblers and Keane's Stars hats disappear and it's time to pack our bags and return home :-(

I spent a few hours hanging around Facebook yesterday (Monday) and although this morning was full of stories of blisters and achievement, I sensed that by this evening, a familiar sadness was descending upon some of Kiltwalkers, old and new and that's the old "Kiltwalk Blues".

You spend months proudly wearing your Kiltwalk t-shirt and training for the big day and by the time the big day comes you're bursting with pride as the Pipers and Kiltwalk Kids start you off on your walk.

You walk through forests, clamber over dykes and scale high mountains, but when you see all those pictures of Kiltwalk Kids urging you on, you just keep on keeping on.

Then before you know it, you see the finishing line and can see the Kiltwalk flags waving in the wind, welcoming you to the finish line and by the time you cross that line and have your medal thrust in your hand, the aches and pains ease away as the pride returns.

The day after is filled with "oh yah's" and "ah yah's" as you hobble around, reminding you of your great achievement, but by Tuesday the emptiness creeps in, followed by sadness that it's all over as the Kiltwalk Blues take hold.

So how do you get rid of them?

Well you could sign up for next year and let the excitement begin again. Or come and join us in Aberdeen or Angus later this month :-)

On behalf of all of us at The Kiltwalk, thanks for another great Speyside Kiltwalk and Adventure.

I'll leave it to Carey and Stuart, pictured above to say "Cheers Speyside, see you all next year"

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