Jay, duck, jay, duck, jay, duck...

Jay it is, but I sure did have a hard time deciding tonight!

The day started out grey and gloomy. We expected a storm at any moment, but that never happened. Though we had tucked our cameras into the car and took them everywhere with us today, in the dull light, nothing struck us as blippable. However, once we were back home in the evening and the sun finally shone, we got inspired and took our cameras to the lake. We were going to take a boat ride (my husband was kind enough to prepare everything for us before he left) but we had the dogs with us and the birds were unusually cooperative. We had more than a dozen ducks dining on lily pad bugs just a few yards from the dock and the blue jays and red-winged black birds hung out with us on the shore. (It must be my mom... When it's just me, the birds all quickly leave the area.... Hmm. I'm feeling a bit self conscious now.)

Anyway, tomorrow we will start the day off with a boat ride. Tonight, we both feel satisfied with our blip selections. :)

Thank you all so much for the response to yesterday's butterfly! I really appreciate all that you had to say and the stars and hearts were a treat. :))

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