Bee crazy!

See the pollen dust all over her.

We went for a walk last night and noticed the goldenrod had a few bees on it... until we looked closer... Make that hundreds of bees on it! I've never seen so much activity. Bumble bees, honey bees, wasps, hornets... you name it, and they were there. One GIANT allergy pill and so was I! :)) It was great fun, though you had to be careful. If you were aiming for a flower and had any flowers between you and the one you were aiming at, there were going to be bees etc. on your legs, next to your hand or worse. A tricky situation and not one you'd want to go into if weren't paying attention to your every movement. At one point I'd gotten so focused on a flower and forgot about the flower next to my head... That is until I heard a buzzing amazingly close to my ear and felt my hair move!

Goldenrod is a major contributor to hay fever around here. It can make this time of year pretty miserable. Fortunately for me it's only a bit of an irritant (unlike spring) and allergy meds do the trick. Good thing, as I'm sure I'll be squatting and crawling around in it again soon after seeing all of the blip possibilities in there! :))

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